Toon shading model

When we see integrated into EU4?

Really awesome!

Would it be possible for someone to provide an example of type of shading done with the ā€œRemapped Shading Modelā€ that DanielW talked about?

As you may have noticed from my lack of updates recently Iā€™ve been really busy lately. Since a lot of you seem to be interested Iā€™ve decided Iā€™ll simply release the source and send a pull request to Epic in case they want to integrate it. It needs a little work to get it cleaned up and working with the latest version of UE4 though. (turns out the shading model stuff has had a refactor recently)

I hope to have the time to finish that weekend.

would be quite easy if it existed, the problem is that he was talking about a hypothetical shading model that does not yet exist in the engine.

Wow, thank you so much for . I think I speak for everyone when I say that will be very appreciated!

Alright, would that be easier to intigrate into the engine than the current shading method youā€™re using?

Yeah, thank you so much! Giving out for freeā€¦ just awesome!

Anxiously waiting! Thanks!

Just thought I would give a bump and say looks awesome. :smiley:

Has the PR been sent in yet?

Also waiting!

Looks great and would pay money for!

I guess I shouldnā€™t make promises as I havenā€™t had the chance to finish it yet. Sorry about that, Iā€™ll try to get around to it soon and will post here when I do.

Hey No problem,

Get around to it when you can :slight_smile:

What version are you currently updating it for? 4.8 or 4.9?

Just curious as to whether I should stick with 4.8 atm.

Iā€™m currently working of the master branch, so 4.10. That way it should be easy for epic to integrate it if they choose to.

Iā€™m slowly getting there though, it currently works fine again, it just needs some final adjustments.

Let us know when you make the Pull request :slight_smile:

is amazing I hope itā€™s added sooner or later. Iā€™ve tried for days to get clipped hard shadows in a cel shaded look with no luck. Not having a lighitng buffer to read from is really hardā€¦ lol.

Hello there! Super excited about your shader work! Is there any progress on getting it integrated? Are you selling the code or giving it away? I would love to get my hands on it :slight_smile:

I would like to know , too. different colors for the steps would be really cool. also, could i use a normal map with the toon shading? or would i have to blend it with the regular shading?

Any updates?

Even an early release would be great!

Finally got around to finishing up. Did a final update from Epicā€™s master and boom: they also added a new shading model (for hair) which resulted in a whole lot of conflicts in the code, great :slight_smile:

Anyway, I think I fixed all of them and am recompiling now. If all is well Iā€™ll make the pull request and post the link here soon. Just promise that that you guys make awesome things with it!

That sounds great! I love you