I’ve already asked this question but im asking it again because its slightly different then the one I made earlier. I binded a widget to a function to create a tooltip for an item when its in the inventory, the problem is when the item is added but the cursor is already in the slot, the tooltip doesn’t show, any ideas on how to solve this? If you can’t, are there any ways to force a mouse click via blueprints? The mouse click would update the tooltip too.
It’s probably enough to give the widget focus in this case.
- ensure the widget has at least 1 visible element
- ensure its isFocusable flag is True
- add it to the container as you already do
- Set Focus
Do tell if it worked.
If in doubt, post screenshots, widgets hierarchy + visibility and the way you populate the slot and slots settings.
You can always run widget reflector - it’s an interface debugging tool. This will show you precisely where the focus is atm.
If it worked for you then for sure I did something wrong let me double check
srry for not understanding im new
You create the widgets in which my code works too but I’m updating an existing widget and trying to update the tooltip with it and I have no idea how to use widget reflector so I might try to learn it maybe after I resolve this
but I’m updating an existing widget
and trying to update the tooltip
The tooltip of what? The slot you’re adding the widget to, or the widget itself?
Tooltips is one of those UMG things I have few issue with overall. Updating a tooltip is just pushing new data in, you can store a reference to the tooltip and pipe the data in from the outside; it actually works in real time, regardless of focus:
It may not work well if the widget is off-screen - these do not tick / update.
It didn’t work, I’m pretty sure that the function that was binded to the tooltip doesn’t fire if the mouse was already in the inventory slot so it won’t update if an item was added, any way to update the tooltip via function, or perhaps forcing a mouse click if thats possible?
It didn’t work
I don’t buy it, I just tested it and it works fine even without the focus…
When a widget appears under the course, the tooltip is created immediately, hands up in the air:
I’m just adding widgets to a wrap box, all default settings:
The test widget has another tooltip assigned to it.
Can be done but needs work.
It sounds unnecessarily complicated, though. Why not just have the tooltip on the item widget itself? This way the widget will work everywhere - in the inventory, in the backpack, hotbar, at the shopkeeper’s window, when the item bobs about on the ground… You probably do not want to implement this toolip thing multiple times in every possible place the item may appear.
Why would the slot ever care what’s inside. That’s not its job, its job is to hold stuff in place and show it or maybe check whether the item belongs there in the first place, sure.
You may, of course, have your own reason to implement it this way. It just sounds over-engineered. How are you sending the data from the widget to the slot’s tooltip atm?
I think I can tell you why this not working. You put the item in the slot, your cursor is now over the item, not over the slot. Does this make sense or am I misunderstanding something?
Do consider having this feature in the item widget, and have the slot serve as a placeholder dummy.
When an item goes into the slot I have a tooltip/widget binded to the Slot widget with a function and when an item is added I want the tooltip to appear and show the text related to the item look at the gif i posted above to see what i mean, idk I may be doing something wrong so I’m going to check again
i posted this here incase you cant see it, the tooltip doesn’t appear when the item is added and the cursor is in the slot, to add the item to the inventory I updated the slot widget not create a new one, I’m trying to figure out how to get it to appear and if it won’t work then if forcing a mouse click is a thing, that’ll do
I was following a tutorial on a inventory system that was set up this way, it uses an inventory component to handle most of the important functions, I can see your point that my inventory system is flawed and over complicated, after all this is my first inventory system so I apologize for that, and it doesn’t create a new widget, theres an image in the slot and when an item is “added to the inventory” the stores the data using an inventory component and the inventory array. The item that is added is displayed through the inventory slots image and uses a variable to know if theres an item in it. I’ve tweaked the system to suit most of my needs and to fix the errors in the tutorials. I’ve also tried using a branch inside the tool tip function or inside the construct of the tooltip or using an event tick, and I’ve tried using a set tooltip node but for some reason it just deletes it completely. I will consider using your suggestion in the future but for now I’m focusing on this problem.
This is the link to one of the parts in the tutorial that focuses in adding items int the inventory, if you need to watch this to see how the items are added to inventory you can. Link: I’m going to go have some food and I’ll be back in at least half an hr. So far the closest I’ve gotten to fixing this is having an event tick and checks if the tooltip isn’t valid, it will hook up to a branch with a condition if an item is added, and I need to make the tooltip appear when this is fired, it does indeed fire but the tooltip won’t be created, I tried set tooltip and it deleted the tooltip.
Too many reasons to list why I feel reluctant about watching a 20min long 3rd part of UI tutorial. But do consider the following:
When the slot creates a tooltip widget, store a reference to that widget. This way, if you have access to the slot (and you do because you add stuff there), you have access to its tooltip, too. You might be doing this already for all I know or utilise some other method.
I’d definitely look into widget reflector, it will show you precisely what the cursor is interacting with.
From the animation you included, it seems like there’s an issue with Visibility, have a look at what is happening when the cursor enters / leaves the slot. Perhaps something is not triggering right or the order of execution is to blame.
I’ve already stored a refrence to the tooltip, I’ll check the widget reflector
btw when I drag and drop the item through out the inventory like putting the item in the 20th slot, the tooltip does appear, not sure if this is related to the problem, as of right now i’m looking into the widget reflector
I have solved the problem using a set tooltip node and instead of using a variable of the tooltip like I did before I use the return value of the function I binded as the tooltip so it will create the tooltip when an item is added and the cursor is in the slot, thx for trying to help me.
From what i could gather using print strings, the function that’s binded into the inventory slot that handles the creation and the position of the tooltip doesn’t fire when an item is added and the cursor is already in the slot. It only fires once when the cursor enters the slot.