Too much MotionBlur / Slow ??

Hi again,

I’m getting too much motion blur when i paly the game. Actually a walkthrough of arch viz.
I have gt 630 graphics card. Do i have to get high end graphics card ? like gtx or higher ? or is there any settings or optimization I have to do ?

My light map settings are mostly like 512, some are 2048 though. and I compiled the game and ran in 960x540 resolutions. Still getting so much motion blur.
Also, may be because I have a lot of geometries ? I have chairs and tables using single mesh though.

Sorry, this may be basic thing, but I’m a beginner.


You can adjust motion blur in the post-processing settings, but you definitely need a new video card, if your on a budget, I recommend the GTX 960, which is about $200 USD right now.Take a look at this comparison:

A Gtx 960 is a great choice. Especially the 4gb version!
(It was at Fry’s electronics for a 190 a couple of weeks ago…)

Is this some kind of sick joke? I am looking at the 4GB for $260, I payed $200 for my 2GB

No, It is not some sick joke. It’s about $230 on Newegg right now.
But sadly it’s like $249 at Fry’s right now.

EDIT: It’s 259 at frys. But becomes 239 after rebate.

In that case I will jump to sell my 2GB and upgrade, but just because the price is so low I feel like there is some cache to it :\

You mean catch?
And I don’t think there is a catch… And I’ve also been wanting to upgrade to that card for a while now… But I only have around $170 right now… Please stay low card! Please!

For $260 you can get a R9 290 which blows the pants off the 960, but the cheapest 960 4GB online is $209

Thank you all for you answers.
BTW, do you mean to say that I can improve the quality by getting 960 or higher ?

If yes, my question is how come the GTA V is playing smoothly in my GT630 ? What are the things I have to do to make it like in GTA V so it plays well in my graphics card ?

In my understanding, the higher graphic card is only neccessary inside UE but when i compile to game, it should run smoothly even in my card. I think there are options or optimizations that I do not know .

How many fps are you getting? It should run fine at that resolution with static lighting. What you are seeing is just motion blur post process effect as Jamendxman3 mentioned.

Lightmaps have nothing to do with motionblur.

You want to add a post process volume. You don’t need to change the size of it. Just set it to be unbound, it will affect everything, unless another post process volume overrides it.
In the unbound post process volume’s detail panel, you will find options there for motion blur and you can alter it (turn it off!!!) to your hearts content.

Hope this helps!

GTA works fine because it’s system requirements are low compared to UE4’s.
UE4 is a game creation suite. GTA is a already completed game. If you got the 960 or higher, you could play and smoke most games out there.
(And a 630 is a horrible card for running UE4. It’s even worse than my 550! But if it works… That’s your choice man.)