Hey, so I have a problem with outliner, by accident I clicked on the eye icon of the one of my folders with actors in it, and I can’t get it back to be visible again, its says “Toggles the visibility of this object in the level editor” I have no idea what they mean by saying that.
Hey @WedrownyAntek! Welcome to the Forums!
That just means that it makes those assets invisible while editing (should still be visible during simulation). You just need to click that eye again to make them visible.
Toggle Visibility on:
Toggle Visibility off:
I hope the above is the solution you need!
Thanks, but my point is I can’t click it, it doesnt let me do it. I dont know maybe it is somekind of bug?
Hey @WedrownyAntek,
That is concerning. Are you clicking the main folder or each individual one? Does restarting the engine make any difference? Or possibly loading another level and reopening your main level?
oh no, I think I got it, this folders are empty, something deleted what was in my folders. Is there any way that I can get it back
Hey @WedrownyAntek,
Have you saved your level yet? If not, try reopening your level after closing the engine or opening a different level (without saving of course). Any unsaved changes should revert.
I’v been restarting it couple of times so propobly it saved it
Hey @WedrownyAntek,
Unfortunately, if you have already saved that level, if you are not using version control (like git for example) and have a backup saved, there is not really a way to recover what has been deleted.
well thats bad, but thanks for help
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