Toggle visibility on part of a mesh

I’m trying to add a first person capability to a third person template.
My question would be: is there any way for me to toggle visibility of only part of the mesh? Say, if I wanted to make the head invisible so it wouldn’t be seen on the camera that’s sitting where the head is?

Would I need to create a separate character mesh? Or, is there any way to toggle visibility on part of the mesh?
If I had to create a separate mesh, is there any way to do it through the editor?


You can hide part of a skeletal mesh using the Hide Bone By Name node.


Hides the specified bone with name. Currently this just enforces a scale of 0 for the hidden bones. Compoared to HideBone By Index - This keeps track of list of bones and update when LOD changes

With this you will be able to hide the head of you character mesh. Specifically i used to have two seperate models for first person and third person view.

Sure enough :slight_smile:
