Toggle visibility of Text Render

I’m trying to make my Text Render visible, whenever I enter the trigger box, but I can’t seem to make it work.

I thought that this would work, but it doesn’t. I’m sort of new to Unreal Engine, so this might be a noob question :slight_smile:

Can anyone guide me through on how to do this?


You can do this with to methods.

  1. With Level Blueprint. Add to scene TextRenderActor and TriggerVolume.Open Level Blueprint. Select TriggerVolume and in Level Blueprint create OnActorBeginOverlap event for TriggerVolume. From WorldOutliner select and drag and drop TextRenderActor. Its create a TextRenderActor reference variable. Drag from pin of TextRenderActor and create Toggle Visibility for TextRenderActor target.

  1. With Actor Blueprint. Create new Actor Blueprint. Add Scene component for Root. Add Box collision and TextRender components. Select Box component and create OnComponentBeginOverlap event. Then select Text Render and create Toggle Visibility.

Thank you. I will try this later and report back with my result

you didnt have anything specified in your target or other actor part of your blueprint nodes, they need to be hooked up to something.