I’m trying to follow along with this video: [][1]
At 0:58, the demonstrator has a PointLight selected, right-clicks on an empty space in the blueprint editor, and selects “Toggle Visibility” under “Call Function on PointLight3 → Rendering” … see screenshot below:
OK, so when I try this, I have the PointLight selected, I’m in the Level Blueprint, but when I right-click and expand “Call Function on PointLight3 → Rendering”, all I get is “Set Actor Hidden in Game”… see screenshot below:
(OK, when I tried to upload a screenshot, I got the error “No such upload” ???) Trust me, though, it’s not there.
Now, granted, I can un-check “Context Sensitive” and find it… and I can manually add a reference to my PointLight and then wire up the PointLight to the “Target” socket in the “ToggleVisibility” function… but then I get this odd behavior where it creates:
- A PointLight reference to the PointLight3 object in the level
- An odd “Target LightComponent” middle box that says “Read the value of variable LightComponent LightComponent”
- The “ToggleVisibility” function then has an Error that says “Error This blueprint (self) is not a SceneComponent, therefore ‘Target’ must have a connection.”
Can anyone explain what is going on???