To turn around behind the darkness: release of the game!

Game version : 1.0
The release of the game! Version 1.0. The price of 69 rubles. Turn around behind the darkness
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    Game description :
    You were sent into the bunker to find the lost expedition… But along the way you notice that there’s something wrong…
    Game genre : Horror 12
    Also the game has three endings, any thing in the game is truly important,possibly due to pacifiers you will be able to find/go through/take a look at the other end, be careful, and you will be able to learn about the story TABTD much more, just interact with objects, and maybe in those letters you’ll find more answers or more questions
    The essence of the game :
    The unfolding of the plot
    Find all questions answers
    To solve the ending
    We recommend playing in the dark + headphones! STRICTLY IN THE HEADPHONES!
    Thank you to those who supported us!

Also the trailer for the game!