Hello, this is kinda sudden, but i’ve been trying to make games from Gamemaker and other various programs. I’ve also watched some tutorials with both 3d and 2d with Unreal and i’ve gotten an ideá and want to make it. Though i’m getting stuck on all these side things like youtube, facebook etc. So nothing ever happens really. But now that i’ll have vacation and go to a place i usually fish for a couple weeks, there’s also no internet there, so i thought about making games there but i don’t know if i should download any more contents than the base of Unreal Engine 4. So what i’m really asking is what kind of extra content should i get for Unreal, (video tutorials to download maybe also?) if any extra content at all. Or do you guys think the base is good enough?
-I personally would download all projects from the learn tab, because they include nearly everything -> e.g when you want to know how to create a vehicle game, you can take a look at the vehicle demo,…
-all youtube tutorials (except of the C++ tutorials and probably also the basic ones -> depends on your experience with the UE4)