To create a 3D user interface in UE4?

I want to make the user interface , such as in the above video .

There is’was a ‘3d’ UI part to UDK ( prior version of UE ) which did create ‘3d’ User Interfaces but I do not recall what it was though I’m sure someone will, so in the mean time assuming you don’t already know and having no idea if a ‘3d’ ui can be done with current ue4 tools, your options I believe are slate or canvas, both which you can look for in the ue4 docs.

Having done a cursory look at both, I see nothing about 3d anything, so having said that all I can find currently is:



?v=3XO_stF_r1A , which faict, has noting about 3d anything, so its the first link , hoping someone responds who has done this or digging into bp/code to do it.


This is video is just about making your UI 3d, so use series suggested by nl to create UI and this video to transform it into 3d UI :slight_smile:

In this manner, I tried or make in 3D , but it does not work because there is a limit to the material .
To make as the first video you posted , what not but make using the texture ?

I tried to create a 3D UI panel using the usual material and Actor.
Will you not be able to use the emissive in UMG?

As far as I know that isnt implemented yet -> more information: https://forums.unrealengine/showthread.php?65653-Glow-material-for-UMG-on-3D-widgets :slight_smile:

I was successful in that it illuminate an icon in UMG.

Could you explain, how do you make such glowing transparent 3D UI?

Hi two-faced!

It may blur the image!!

At the same , I bought this that I made ! !
[video]RogueLike Multiplayer Template (UE4 Market Place) - YouTube