TMap Problems. 🤔

I’ve been with UE since the start of UE4, I want to add some information to this even though you want to do things differently than I do :slight_smile: , probably you know this already:

In UE structures are passed by reference. Structures are going to be loaded into memory, but they are tiny and can use soft pointers as properties.

I love async loading. Just for info I share a post on how to do this for others:

[UE4 / UE5] Question about async loading

I fully agree with @PinoDFTGames , There is no way to ignore UE its systems / limitations and use 100% of it. It’s not wrong to test and try everything, learn. I personally rewrote many of my plugins multiple times in the first years as I hated (and still hate) ways UE forces me to write my code but not adapting to UE will bite you at some point.

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