Good evening UE4,
I’m having some problems with TMaps, as when I combine them with TSubclassOf and try to Cast one of its objects back to the Base Class, it just throws compilation errors at the Class.h - which is obviously not where the problem is:
class MyGame_API MyGame_B : public MyGame_A
TMap<FString, TSubclassOf<class MyGame_BaseClass*>> SpawnClassType;
SpawnClassType.Add("ExtendsFromBaseClass", MyGame_ExtendsFromBaseClass::StaticClass());
bool MyGame_B::DoSmth(...)
MyGame_BaseClass* SpawnTargetActor = Cast<MyGame_BaseClass>(SpawnClassType[skill->SpawnActorName]);
I apologize if its getting a big messy, but the idea is: Class B extends from A; Class B contains a Map of all the classes which it can spawn - all of which are subclasses of BaseClass, e.g., ExtendsFromBaseClass. Finally, we try to cast the ExtendsFromBaseClass back to BaseClass - since it includes virtual methods which will then be called by SpawnTargetActor->DoVirtualMethod();
Essentially, the problem occurs with the Casting method.
Any idea what the problem is?