TM 25/1 How to re import a model while keeping all my trees in exact same position?

Hello TM forum.

I do NOT use Datasmith I import via fbx I work on SU19 and Datasmith does not work with it.

Is there a setting to “REimport” a model, while keeping vegetations, people, cars etc in the Twinmotion position.

This is possible in Lumion just by
highlighting a material and click “ctrlALT” and REimport a model of the same or other name.

I have four streets cornering my model that has over and underground volume, under the street
there for I need to reimport it all with the streets and the planters that hold the trees
and I would like to keep all the trees there.

OR is there a way to save all my trees in a file to load into the reimported model?

Thank you very much