I’ve been wondering for a while, how games typically make interactive scenes/animations where an AI for example attacks the player. A good example is from the bear attacks in “The long dark” where the bear tackles the player and an animation plays. But if the player is holding a spear, the player can fight it off again by pressing the same key over and over until the progress bar is done.
I have a good idea on how to do the progress bar clicking as Ive read about it in other posts, but for this one I’m wondering:
What is the basic process behind the mechanic? I’m not expecting it to be an easy thing to program, and I’m calling it “basic” to ask for the whole picture - If it starts with a sequence, then blends over to something else, etc.
How would the animations be set up? I’d believe the animations would be best made with a level sequence, to make sure the animations lign up and such, but how would you for example get the player to get knocked over. Is that in animation too? And would that mean the camera should be attached to a socket on the character for better effect?
Last thing I’m wondering, is how would I be able to for example bind the mouse movement to the character hand? I can make a new question about it too, but I feel like these two things fit together in the same process, except for the follow hand part? I’d like to be able to “control” the player hand at a certain point, so if anyone knows anything about that from experience, I’m very interested!
Overall, any technique or tips that you have is deeply appreciated! I love this forum and I learn a lot from every single post I’ve made