Tips on having characters walk on rotating physics bodies in 6DOF?

Hello, working on a zero-g platformer. The flight mechanics were easy enough; it’s the landing that’s tricky so far, but I’ve got a working implementation with the Character Movement Component and non-physics actors.
The bar is whether a character’s magnetic boots can adhere them to a platform rotating in all dimensions and allow them to walk intuitively with their magnetic boots on the surface. With the CMC and Attach Actor to Actor, it all works relatively as expected; I can walk on all 6 sides of a cube and I have logic that keeps me adhered to the surface when walking over a corner.

However, this mostly falls apart with physics simulation; I’m using the physics engine to handle the n-body orbital mechanics of planets that are floating around. If they’re physics based, landing and “attaching to actor” stops the character movement, even after transitioning all the controls to Physics based controls.

I’ve still yet to do some experimentation with “friction,” but does anybody have any hot tips on a better implementation of this? I’m happy to leave it as is for now, and perhaps hardcode certain setpieces’ movement without physics and only have enemies be physics-based, but wanted to get thoughts in case anybody’s encountered something similar before.