I find a plugin which named AnimToTexture in UE5.1, In short, it ‘s used to make GPU animation. I can correctly show animation of static mesh after look up information on internet. But some small problems happened, that the animaiton has some tiny shake and offset.
This video also shows how to use the plugin, and also has the same problem as me.
The author dont solve it, but he suspect that it’s beacause of texture format uncorrectly.
He used himself own tools for exporting texture. I used the BP_AnimToTexture blueprint which provided by the plugin.
I find there are three textures used by bone animation in the plugin’s example. Position texture and rotation texture are FloatRGBA, but weight texture format is B8G8R8A8. I copyed them,And use BP_AnimToTexture to exporting new textures,but all three textures’ format changed to B8G8R8A8。Did someone know why and how to solve it?
偶然发现UE5上架了新的插件AnimToTexture, 简单来说就是用来做GPU Animation功能的。
我发现,插件例子里的骨骼动画所使用的三张贴图,位置与旋转纹理格式是FloatRGBA, 权重纹理格式是B8G8R8A8。 我复制了这三张贴图,用BP_AnimToTexture导出新的纹理后,纹理格式全都变成了B8G8R8A8。