TimerManager for Components?


I’m having some issues with the TimerManager. I just can’t seem to get it work in my Actor Component, although whenever I tried the same thing in my character it works perfectly fine. Is there another syntax for timermanagers in components? If so, what is it? If not, how do I make myself some timers for my components?

Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:



AFAIK timers should work correctly in components. Could you maybe provide some code of what it is you’re doing?

Either way I’m pretty sure the ActorComponent does not have a GetWorldTimerManager() function if that’s what you’re using in your character.

So I would suggest using either one of these to get the timer manager:

// Version 1 
FTimerManager Manager = GetWorld()->GetTimerManager();

// Version 2
FTimerManager Manager = GetOwner()->GetWorld()->GetTimerManager(); 

Ideally use the first one, but if that does not work the second one should. From the FTimerManager you can use the SetTimer(), ClearTimer() etc. functions.

~ Dennis “MazyModz” Andersson

This doesn’t work for me. Whenever I’m trying to GetOwner() i get an error saying “pointer to incomplete class not allowed”.

My previous code that I were using earlier, which I’ve now removed because it doesn’t work, is this:

	GetWorldTimerManager().SetTimer(TimerHandle_UpdateHealthRegenCooldown, this, &UHealthComponent::RegenHealth, 1.0f, true, 0.0f);

Thanks for helping, it’s appreciated! :slight_smile:

I’ve fixed my problem. I had to include “Actor.h” in order to GetOwner().
I did this by adding this include:

#include "GameFramework/Actor.h"

From there on I could use this syntax for setting a timer:

GetOwner()->GetWorldTimerManager().SetTimer(YourTimerHandle, this, &UMyComponent::MyFunction, 1.0f, true, 0.0f;
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