I’m having some issues with the TimerManager. I just can’t seem to get it work in my Actor Component, although whenever I tried the same thing in my character it works perfectly fine. Is there another syntax for timermanagers in components? If so, what is it? If not, how do I make myself some timers for my components?
AFAIK timers should work correctly in components. Could you maybe provide some code of what it is you’re doing?
Either way I’m pretty sure the ActorComponent does not have a GetWorldTimerManager() function if that’s what you’re using in your character.
So I would suggest using either one of these to get the timer manager:
// Version 1
FTimerManager Manager = GetWorld()->GetTimerManager();
// Version 2
FTimerManager Manager = GetOwner()->GetWorld()->GetTimerManager();
Ideally use the first one, but if that does not work the second one should. From the FTimerManager you can use the SetTimer(), ClearTimer() etc. functions.