I’m trying to refrence a custom event to make a timer work I’ve got the same system set up for the score but when i try with the timer it says it refrences None and I’m unable to see the issue
Delay node will delay EVERY call on it, which means if you plug it to tick you will delay ALL ticks, so you not really counting time by doing so, you just delaying ticks.
There 2 primery ways to count time in UE4:
1.Adding up delta time on Tick event, delta time is “Delta Secounds” pin which oyu seen on your own screen. Delta time is estimated time between frames, and it normaly used to align things to time as Tick is called on every frame, so if oyu do any calculations in Tick it will be done every frame and will be dependedn on fps, delta time scaling allows oyu to make time dependent calculation, If you just add up delta time on every frame value in it will be time passed… a simple timer.
2.UE4 got build in timer system, you can start, reset, pause and read timer state. Here how to use it in Blueprints:
Normaly it is used to call function in specific time, but you can also make timer with infinite time set and simply just read it’s current state of it. Timers are not really good for high precision stuff (very small intervals), if you want that you should do things in tick and do computations with delta time for better results.
Btw, you also don’t need to do hour and minute calculations either ;] there Timespan type:
Just do “FromSecounds” from your timer and with that you can calculate minutes, hours, days etc. in C++ it also provides time text formating with blueprint you need to it manually ;p
Also if you like to simulate day time there DateTime type
Which let you simulate date and time and its cooperate with Timespan type to do any time related computations, you can also get real time in this format using this node: