I have just recently started Unreal and wanted to make an in game timer. This is event graph code I found off a video on Youtube. It works just fine the first time because the timer is showing the numbers ticking down but when my player respawns back in, the timer just stops at zero but it still keeps the time I set it. For example, I set it for 3 seconds and after it ticks down to 0, player is destroyed, but I respawn back in and timer shows it at 0 but I still die after 3 seconds. It just doesn’t show the time ticking down after I died. I have a feeling it has to do something with my timer widget code. Sorry for the long words, I need some help.
Hello and welcome to the community! If you don’t remove or somehow stop your timer widget after it destroyed player, it will be calling that destroy every second, as Seconds and Minutes will be still 0.
I also totally encourage to look into this documentation page: Using Timers | Unreal Engine Documentation SetTimerByEvent could help you a lot, as using tick for that doesn’t seem very flexible.