hey y’all, so i’m working on a game that has a leaning function kind of like rainbow six siege, where you can switch between three states; left, right, and center. to make the lean function i’m adjusting the rotation of two bones in the skeletal mesh using three separate timelines and there corresponding lerps, but im having an issue with the body rotating, stopping, then quickly lerping the next position as well as a bunch of other random stuff like spazzing out when moving to a spot or going the opposite direction before snapping back, and sometimes lerping just fine. also theres a problem lerping from left to center where it’ll go over the center rotation then snap back. I’ve been trying to fix this for a few days and i still cant figure it out. Any help on this issue is greatly appreciated
Make one timeline, but change Current and Target rotation values when you press respective keys.
I used camera Y location, but it’s pretty much the same with your rotations.
As for the macro, you can do without it, but I made this one long ago and it saves a lot of trouble when it comes to pressing and releasing keys that do opposite things. Here it is, you can just copy it:
I hope the wires aren’t too confusing.
Another thing: if you do end up using the macro, you need to keep one thing in mind. If you press a key and then pause the game and release the key (or vice versa), the action during the pause won’t be registered by the macro, and it can mess up its logic.
You can add more things to it, like a Reset input pin that will set the local integer to 0 and clamp the Int to 0-2.
thanks man this helped a lot and basically fixed the problem, but i have two more questions. the first is the timeline is really choppy when i speed it up, is there any way i can smooth this out. my second question is about the camera manager. so basically the problem i’m having is when the camera manager takes over the camera the rotation of the camera is affected by the socket animations the cameras attached to ( im using the controller rotation ), is there any way i can fix this.