I have a timeline set up in one of my scripts (to rotate an object), but it will not activate. This “Paused” node appears above it, but I don’t know what is causing it to be paused or how to undo it. I can’t find any documentation on it. Any help would be appreciated.
Can you show me the editor screen for the Timelime and what nodes are coming before it?
When you Play and view the bp in debug mode, is the execution stopping at the Timeline or somewhere else?
It is going through the Timeline’s “Update” to Add Local Offset.
It sounds like your Timeline is working just fine. The problem is likely what’s going on after that. It’ll have that Paused bubble when it’s not playing btw
EDIT: totally missed the problem in those pictures you sent. Posting an answer now
With Tick plugged into your Timeline, you’re constantly telling it to play. Tick isn’t necessary here. You can click Loop in the Timeline editor if you want to go until you stop it. Just initiate it with an event.
It also looks like you’re moving your mesh by .5 and -.5. Try a larger movement with that Timeline vector. I imagine it’s moving by such a small degree you can’t see it
I have the exact same issue now. After 30 minutes, I decided to close and restart the whole project and POOF it magically fixed itself…
Sometimes the engine itself is just buggy.