Timeline node not working in Sequencer


I am troubleshooting an issue where the BP works fine in the gameplay node but does not work when called inside the Sequencer using an Event>Repeater Trigger. I have figured out it has something to do with the Timeline node used in the BP, which is not updating. I can see that the event is getting triggered, but the Timeline is not updating it. Here is the image when the BP custom event is called from the sequencer, and we can see it is not going beyond the Timeline node.

Here is the image when BP is simulated, and we can see the Timeline update happening.

I have selected “Call In Editor” where required, so I know that is not the issue; it is the Timeline node.

What am I missing? I am using 5.4

Create actor with timeline event that handles the rotation

import this actor into the sequencer. Add Event => Trigger (create trigger)

From the trigger event call the actor function with the timeline

Insert event => it should hook up like this:

Thanks for looking into it but its the same issue. The Timeline update is not happening. Which Timeline track you added? I am adding the float track as shown in the image below. In my case the Set Relative Rotation looks different so I had to add Make Rotator node.

I also see that you are not using “Call In Editor” on the Event keyframe in the sequencer.

Did you add the sequencer into the level and turn on auto play for tests? Check that the sequencer is running correctly in game.

I am using a float track in the editor turning from 0 to 90 and back to 0

I do have call in editor marked on my function, it is in the screenshot :slight_smile:

Ok so I think I know what you are getting at now. While using the sequencer playback (not in game) the event fires => goes up to the time => then dies.

This might be a limitation of the timeline. Maybe a custom lerp function could do the same work.

Yes i added the sequencer into the level and from the Details enabled “Auto Play”, i also think its a limitation of timeline. I will now investigate Lerp usage, thanks for for the help

Yes it seems timelines only work with sequencer when in game or in PIE.