Timeline messes up sounds

The blueprint is supposed to open the door and play a sound of a door opening. For some reason if I play the sound anywhere after the timeline it plays in a very weird manner. I want it to play with the timeline so it doesnt play if the door is already open so I cant put it behind the timeline. Any ideas??!

I had to record it.

You shouldn’t play the sound with Timeline’s Update pin. When you do that the sound starts over and over again until the timeline stops. Drag from the false pin of that Branch and then create a Sequence node. Plug the first pin of the sequence to Timeline Play and the second one to Play Sound at Location(Play Sound at Location will no longer be plugged to Set Rotation, of course.)

It plays even after the door is open… im able to click e and play the sound independently

It still plays after the door is open.

That has something to do with how you set the timeline to play actually. Use a DoOnce node between the branch and SequenceIf the door is supposed to open only once and stay like that. If you want to close and reopen it later on you’ll need to add some more nodes which i can explain later if you need.