Timeline inside Forloop Blueprint

I have a simple timeline inside loop body of a simple for loop, but its behavior is erratic. for loop does not wait for timeline to finish before continuing, but continues, often times in what seems to be infinite loops until timeline finishes. I think this is a bug.

Hi JesseMeyer,

Each loop is meant to occur instantly, so delays and timelines inside a loop body can cause problems. It is getting to timeline in chain, beginning timeline, and then going to next loop before first timeline has completed. To get around this, you can drop timeline into a custom event and call that event inside loop.

Hope that helps!

Thanks . I might have missed this were it in documentation, but I did not find it. If this could be mentioned somewhere (although it’s not cataloged with search engines) in official documentation it might save some sweat from someone down line in a similar situation.

Yea, I think it may just be a “common internal knowledge” problem, where we’re so used to something we don’t know it’s not intuitive. We should make this knowledge public somewhere, as you have suggested. I have put in a request to add this to our documentation, perhaps in reference to Functions and Loops. Thanks for request!