Timeline goes crazy

Hello there,

I just wanted to make a simple rotation with a timeline. I have two gate doors that need to oppened at 90 degree angle. This is the code I wrote.

The TImeline is set to go from 0 to 1 in 5 seconds

Now I would have expected this too work, but for some reason the doors rotate super fast until the five seconds mark. AM I using a wrong node here? What could be the issue?

It’s because you’re adding rotation, rather the setting it :wink:



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Okay now it seems to work, at least the velocity is correct. But now one of my doors takes the long way around instead of the shorter path. Any easy fix there?

It’s probably because the X vector of the pivot point of the gate is facing in the other direction.

You are right. What could be a fix to make it turn correctly but still to the right position. Multiplying wiht -90 just makes it swing in the opposite direction and I cant really change the rotation of the door

Also it seems like the doors teleport a little at the beginning

Can you show the door mesh, selected ( so I can see it’s pivot )?

Are they actually at rotation 0,0,0 in the blueprint?

the rotation is -180

Yup, so you’re not going from 0 - 90, eh? :slight_smile:

This gate needs to go from -180 to -275 ( or -90 ) depending on direction.

You might get some mileage setting it back to zero rotation, but scaling it by -1 on the x axis ( in the scale details ).

Thanks for all your help, it works now

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