Timeline Fires so many even with Do once

After this timeline I’m using a print string which prints so many in the game meaning the timeline fires so many, using a do once beforehand also doesn’t help. what am I having wrong in here?!

Could you show the script:

  • the timeline
  • what starts it
  • where the print string is

And perhaps tell us more about the actor and its purpose?

Uploading: 1.mp4…

E key fires a short narrow sphere trace in front of camera, BP interface communicating with the trace inside character BP, as you see print string 1 and 2 fires once but 3 fires a ton! this is odd actually. I was having no issue until I set variable “equipped key” inside my char BP to do a quick test but this never happened before either. I’ll swipe it with another timeline and see if it fixes

used a new timeline with other names but didn’t fix! the only odd thing I did was building light haha but yea as I said I set variable and did other stuff before and didn’t have any issue

The Update pin fires for the whole time span of your timeline. This pin is used to execute an event that uses the float value of the timeline, here to update your door. When you want the PrintString to fire when the timeline is finished, use the Finished pin.

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hmm no I’m trying to have the two floats in the timeline to push the value of the variables, opening the door smoothly and finish pin into another timeline closing it. which the timeline responsible for closing it works fine somehow. I really don’t see any issue :confused: even tried do once after this timeline but that prevents it to execute any value therefore after 2.5 sec door starts closing while intant opened!

Door.zip (888.3 KB)

Press Play, Press F

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oh you have point! so from that I realised “Update pin of Timeline executes value of in this case the variables from 0 time 0, to value 1 time 2.5 seconds”. I have a play sound 2D after the two set rotation nodes which timeline plays it so many times (every tick) for the 2.5 seconds. I simply put a do once before that and now everything works fine. so you basically mean that’s the point of the Update pin of timeline. Thank you my friend!