Timeline Finish early and delay rest of the time?

Hi, I just don’t really understand the timeline length/duration, which is divided by its playrate. My case is the animation finish at 1 second and character is staying there for 4 seconds ( I did set it to 5s).
Please tell me that I did wrong at something ?


the video won’t play for some reason.
the code looks okay except that you need to promote the actor location to a variable before run the timeline.
and during timeline playing, use that pre-stored variable for the lerp start location.

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Hi, I fixed the video and tried your method, set variable for character location then run the timeline. It’s actually worked!! Thank you @baobao4435 :laughing:

But I have some notices for guys got issues like mine.
The timeline need saved variables to start, and for its playrate to play correctly it may need a tick (some delay) to set all up before run the timeline. I tried without a tick and got an issue that the character move a bit jaggy to the end, then it may finish a little bit earlier than your track.


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:face_with_spiral_eyes: I’m not sure what causes the jittering.I’ve never seen this kind of behavior before …

At first, I thought it was a bug in UE, but then I realized it was probably due to my hardware. My PC isn’t very powerful tho.

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