Time Dilation and Projectiles


I have a Target Point int he world that emits a projectile. Everything is fine normally, the projectile is emmited and goes along its trajectory.

However I have a volume that applies a global time dilation slow down. The normal sequence I have the player go through is they enter the time dilation volume then the projectile trigger. However when the projectile is spawned this way it doesn’t move - no matter how high I set its initial speed to counteract the time dilation.

Ultimately what I’m after is that time slows down and then the projectile fires and moves slowly across the world. Is there a way I can achieve this? I then want to be able to grab the projectile and send it off on a new course but that is a whole different kettle of fish.

Any help gratefully appreciated!

Hello Robert ,

I tried reproducing the same issue you’re seeing using the default First Person Template and I’m getting some odd behavior but not the same you’re experiencing. The problem I’m seeing if that if I shoot the gun while Global Time Dilation is set to 0.5 and aiming slightly at the floor, so that the projectile would bounce off the floor, it’ll shoot upward instead.

Could you detail what kind of setup you have for spawning your projectile and giving it its movement?

We haven’t heard from you in a while, Robert . Are you still experiencing this issue? If so, could you provide the information I requested in my previous comment? In the meantime, I’ll be marking this issue as resolved for tracking purposes.