Time check?

Not really sure how to explain this one. I am wanting to some how check if a component triggered a hit event in the past amount of time. For example, I’d like to have a boolean condition execute true on a branch node if a component in the blueprint was hit within the last 5 seconds. Is that possible?

Just make actor track if been hit in last 5 secound using timers:


You could also tried to extend component to make component track that

To elaborate on 's answer, the logic flow you would program would look something like this…

  1. Hit happens.
  2. Set a boolean variable “WasHit” to true.
  3. Start (or reset) a 5 second timer.
  4. When the timer reaches its end, it should trigger a function that resets the “WasHit” variable to false.

This worked perfect. I really don’t know why I couldn’t think of that. It’s always the simple stuff I have issues with.