Tilt and Gravity will cause the Rolling Template to not animate ball?


I am having a problem with the rolling template as it is not animating the rolling of the ball once tilt and/or gravity key events are added to the blueprint. I have tried this in a fresh project and able to reproduce. Does anyone know of a possible fix to this problem?



Howdy Bergwen,

Thank you for reporting this issue. Would you be able to share you DXdiag and your Log files from the project with us? Also, Could you provide a Screenshot of your blueprint setup that you are using for Tilt and Gravity?

Are you seeing issue when Playing in Editor or when playing the project in some other way?

Any additional information will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks and have a great day!


Is there any specific details that you would like from the DXdiag and the log files OR have a secure way of me giving them to you? I don’t feel comfortable posting these files where it is accessible to everyone.

Screenshot is attached. Please note: I created a new project from the Rolling template, blueprint or code, and went straight into adding tilt and/or gravity Key Events.

Also I have Tilt and Gravity mapped in the Axis Mappings as -1 to inverse the controls. Even with these missing from the Axis Mappings the problem still exists.

The problem shows while playing in the editor, standalone, and Android.


UE4 v4.4

AMD Phenom II processor 910 x4

8GB Ram

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 750 4GB Native Resolution (HDMI)



If you are on the forums, you can send them to me there through a private message.

Hey Bergwen,

I know that this is not the exact way that you currently have your setup but I have found a workaround that may be helpful for you:

Let me know if this helps you with your issue.


I appreciate your effort but the solution that you have provided does not work for me. The ball will rotate but then it will only move along the Y axis for both tilt and gravity.

I have tried a couple of different variations that did not work. I have posted an image that does rotate the ball:

There is a sensitivity problem using this solution as the ball will move on X or Y with the slightest rotation of the controller. I think this may deserve to be addressed another question.



Hey Bergwen,

Did you happen to delete any previous nodes from the PhysicsBallBP before you place my BP screenshot from above? I was able to see that work fine without making any changes to that BP previously. When I attempt to placed your provided BP into PhysicsBallBP, I am not able to move the ball at all. Would there be anything that I could be missing?



Thank you for getting back to me. I created a fresh project and added your BP script that you have provided. I was able to get see the ball roll with your solution.

Thank you for your time and effort in providing this solution.

Kind Regards,
