Tiled Toolkit - Import your Tiled tilesets and tilemaps


Tiled Toolkit is plugin that provides blueprint/C++ functions that allows you to parse and import Tiled Tilemap (.tmx) files and Tiled Tilesets (.tsx) files.
Supports the standard Tiled file format (.tmx and .tsx) and templates (.tx) file, you can download Tiled here: https://www.mapeditor.org/

**VIDEO(Tileset importing): **Tiled Toolkit (Tileset import) - Unreal engine plugin - YouTube
**VIDEO(Tilemap importing/generator): **Tiled Toolkit (Tilemap import) - Unreal engine plugin - YouTube

Parser supported features:

  • Based on Tiled 1.2.0 version.
  • All Tiled Tilemaps orientations (Orthogonal, Isometric, Isometric Staggered, Hexagonal Staggered)
  • Embedded Tilesets inside .tmx files.
  • Standard Tiled .tmx, .tsx and .tx formats.
  • Tiled Object, Tile and Image layers.
  • All type of objects available in Tiled (Rectangle, Ellipse, Polygon, Polyline, Point, Text, Tile)
  • All Tile Layer formats in Tiled (CSV, XML, Base64 uncompressed, Base64 compressed zlib or gzip)
  • Tilemaps tile collision objects information.
  • Key-Value user data in tilemap, tileset, tile and layers.
  • Template objects in .tx files.

Parser NOT (yet) Supported features:

  • Group layers in tilemap.
  • Animations parsing.
  • Terrains parsing.
  • (Collection of images type) Tilesets


  • Provides a blueprint tilemap generator example, to load directly your tilemap.

Importing features:

  • It parses Tilesets from .tsx files and creates an APTiledTileset asset that supports everything except terrains. Only Rectangle, Ellipse and Polygon are imported to the APTiledTileset. Other collisions are ignored.
  • It parses Tilemaps from .tmx files and saves the data in APTiledTilemap. Then you can always retrieve this information in runtime and create the layers you need for your custom Tilemap behavior.

1.6** :**

  • Added a new file APTiledConversions,h, and function GetBoxParamsFromTiledObject to convert from tiled rectangle objects, to unreal objects like BoxComponent.
  • Added a new type FAPTiledPropertiesMapData to store all the properties from Tiled objects, layers, tiles… etc. It’s a string to string map container with templated helpful getters.
  • Now the parser parses the InternalTiledObjectId to help you if you have to debug the tile identifier shown in Tiled.
  • Now the parser parses all the custom properties of Tiled Objects.
  • Added helper functions in FAPTiledTilesetData to retrieve tiles with properties, GetTileIndicesWithProperties and GetTileIndicesWithPropertiesValues
  • Changed the Tiles property in FAPTiledLayerData from an Array to a Map, where the key is the tile position x,y. You can access the tile by x,y index now.
  • Added to FAPTiledTilemapData helper functions, GetTilesetTileData to retrieve the FAPTiledTilesetTileData

1.7** :**

  • Updated to support UE 4.22.
  • Added helpers functions in FAPTiledLayerData:
    GetTilesThatMatchTilesetIdAndTileIndex: // Returns a map containing the tiles in that layer that match the TilesetId and the TileIndex
    GetTilesThatMatchTilesetIdsAndTileIndexs: // Returns a map containing the tiles in that layer that match all the TilesetId and the TileIndex of the array TilesetIdAndIndexArray

I have been looking at this. When I get paid I might pick it up :slight_smile:

Thank you, your feedback will be appreciated.

New version 1.6 released for Unreal Engine 4.21. Check the changes in the main post.

New version 1.7 released for 4.22! With two more helper functions added.

Does it allow to reimport tilemap without having to redo the per tile collision setting ?