Tile Spawning problem - Endless Runner

I am making a endless runner game and have a problem with the tile spawning, currently the tiles are spawning directly when i start the game right under the player so basically, if a obstacle is in the middle row i die just as i click on play, i just followed a tutorial but i guess i did a mistake somewhere (Im not used to using Unreal Engine, its my first time)

Hey @zOguraa!

It sounds like you need to have a platform placed in game for you to START on, one that isn’t randomized. I’d say it’s pretty normal for runner games to let you get a running start for a few seconds to prepare.

To do that… Couldn’t tell you because I honestly don’t even know what to ask for in order to help you. If we could get some more information maybe we’d be able to, though! It’s just that there’s not enough here to really give you solid advice other than what I’ve already said, because we don’t know how you’re doing the runner.

Get us some more info and let’s regroup! :slight_smile:

Honestly, i thought it was a blueprint problem so im not really sure.

the base is just like this, this 2 tiles at the beginning are just tiles with no script, and the third one is the tile with the script, but it does not matter if they exist or not because the tiles will always spawn at the beginning and not from the tile with the actual BP

(the camera is distorted)

Solved it, I just needed to place everything before X = 0 and it worked. I was so tilted that this wasn’t working that I didn’t think about this

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