Tile a handcrafted landscape or handcraft a landscape tile?

I want to create a landscape system that is based on tiles theoretically similar to the common workflow of generating a landscape using world machine and importing the tiled height-maps. However I would like to generate my tiles in a scripted or semi-scripted fashion. In other words, I want to make a tiled landscape that is not generated through a noise algorithm.

I want to tile a hand crafted/sculpted landscape, or hand craft several individual landscape tiles, weight each tile so that only specific tiles are allowed to spawn adjacent, and then procedurally spawn tiles based on the players location. Conceptually this would put my idea in close similarity to how Minecraft world gen works.

My problem is: I cannot find specific information on how to create the landscape tiling that I desire. Is this even possible in UE4? Is there an external program that can chop up a UE4 landscape, or a software that has a similar workflow to the in editor method and can export as tiles to UE4? Or is the only answer to just use procedural meshes instead of landscapes?