Tie Points and Image files


I need to get the file or dataset that has the references of the tie points to each of the image files. Each image has a number of tie points identified in the the 1D view. Where can I find the data that shows this information or how can I export it?

Many thanks Steve

Hi Steve

I need to get the file or dataset that has the references of the tie points to each of the image files. Each image has a number of tie points identified in the the 1D view. Where can I find the data that shows this information or how can I export it?

So you want to export/import CP/GCP positions in images ?
If yes, then just select the CP/GCPs and export them in the CZS file ( with the desired spacing ) via WORKFLOW->CONTROL POINTS ( GROUND CONTROL ).


Then you can import them via WORKFLOW->CONTROL POINTS



Thanks for the reply. I have found the data that I think I need in a csv file with the x,y,alt,heading,pitch,roll,f,u,v,k1.k2 and k3 values. The problem I am having (as shown in my other post) is that I do not understand the heading values. While I undertsand that they are the angular measurement from the x axis measured anticlockwise in +ve y direction and then -ve values in -ve y direction, ie 0 to 180 and 0 to -180 I see that some of the values are ‘incorrect’ following my thinking.

Basically I am looking to build a simple program using the exported data from CR and loding the point cloud into a viewer so a client may click on any point and have the images that have that point within their field of view listed or displayed so the client may use the image in a report. Any ideas how this can be done?