TickTickBoom project source release

Hey folks. I’m releasing the project files for my last UE4 Game Jam entry in January. I spent 3-4 days after the jam polishing it up and completely reworked a lot of it.
I was considering releasing it on the marketplace but decided to just release it as is. I’ve taken a lot from the community so I’d like to give something back. It’s heavily commented so it should be a nice learning resource for people.

The project is built with blueprint with one exception, I needed to add an empty C++ class to enable Substance cooking so you may need VS2015 to build the project initially. You’ll also need to install the Substance plugin from the marketplace.

EDIT: I added a blueprint only version but it may have issues with Substance when packaging the project.

it uses the 4.10 engine release.

Some cool things to learn here:

  • Procedurally building a game board.
  • Automatic camera framing for bounding boxes of any size. The game board is always perfectly framed regardless of its dimensions.
  • Using Data Tables for managing each level of the game. Make as many levels as you want and change the difficulty with a few clicks.
  • Animation via timelines with varying speed as the game difficulty progresses.
  • Working with a fake multidimensional array in blueprint to cycle a grid of buttons with wrapping from one side to the other.
  • My very first substance material for a ground texture with an insane number of parameters! (Not the same one as the picture below)
  • Making a fairly complete mini-project with main menu, pause menu, sound effects, multiple stages and win/loss conditions.

Project Link:
bit.ly/1PPDXFR (Requires VS2015)
bit.ly/24x5fZb (Blueprint only project)
Build Link:

Enjoy and let me know if it was useful or you have any problems. :):):slight_smile:

thanks :):):slight_smile:

Download and learning now… Thanks!


thanks for providing this for free :smiley:

Sorry if this is a noob question but I get missing dll file and it doesnt let me build the project either. What should I do?

Hey .
Do you have Visual Studio 2015 and the Substance plugin from the marketplace installed? These should be the only things you need.

Oh I see, I don’t have VS2015, that’s why. Thanks!

On second thoughts I’m just gonna upload a version that doesn’t need VS2015 but it may have issues with packaging. I cant remember what the exact issue was but substance needed a C++ project to package.
I’ll update the first post when it’s uploaded. :slight_smile:

Ok, thanks a lot!