Tick groups ticking in the wrong order?

Im new to unreal(well havent touched it in almost a year), using 5.5, and im trying to make portals similar to the portal games by valve. the portals runs on tick group Post Physics, and the player character should run on pre physics. however sometimes the player character is ticking after the portals, which breaks the seamless teleport between portals.

heres a screenshot of the tick logs, I dont set any tick prerequisites. I see I could set a prerequesite in the portals to the player but I want to understand why is the character ticking so late sometimes.

my bad if its a dumb question.

okay I know why its doing that, when im stepping into the portal, im standing on top of a box collider so I dont fall out of the wall. while standing on the box collider the movement component is getting dependent in the portal tick, which causes the issue. ■■■■ :frowning:

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