I am making a horror/survival game with a group of people.
I have to make weapons that you can pick up (which up to there is going very well). They can be axes, daggers, etc. These weapons are supposed to be able to be thrown at the enemies either to attack or distract them. You can only hold one weapon at a time. We wanted to simulate physics when these weapons are thrown. Right now I am using a template from which these weapons are inheriting which contains a static mesh and a trigger collider for overlap events. I am not quite sure which way to go now though. The chain of thought I am using until now is:
1 - Detect overlap with weapon.
2 - Press a key when overlapping with the trigger to equip it.
3 - Click to throw it.
I was wondering what was the correct way to go through with the throwing part. I thought maybe I could use simulate physics but I was doing some research on projectiles and found out that there is actually a projectile component. Im having issues with simulate physics with the static mesh. Can anyone suggest me or perhaps give me an example on how I could achieve this.
Thank you in advance.