I created a guard AI Behavior that react to noises and i having problems to create a projetile that makes noises and attract bot…he doesn’t go to the rock hitlocation…he only hear the player noises
Can anyone explicit in Blueprint how I create this?
You can use the PawnMakeNoise function of your character using the NoiseLocation argument and set the bUseNoiseMakerLocation flag to false so that the noise will come from the NoiseLocation you have set. If you set bUseNoiseMakerLocation to true and you provide a NoiseMaker actor his lcoation will be used, if NoiseMaker is left to null the pawn itself will be used as the marker.
So…if i want my rock to draw atention from the AI BOT i need to use this function inside ROCK blueprint after a Event Hit with bUseNoiseMakerLocationFALSE
Because the noise is handeled by the pawn, but if you add your rock as the Noise Maker and check the NoiseMaker mark it will use that actor. Using the location and not marking the marker flag will also work. But you have to do it from within the pawn or use a pawn as the target. I normally use the player pawn that threw the rock.