Thousands of "Static mesh actor has NULL StaticMesh property"

I have over 1200 of these warnings when under ‘Map Check’ when I ‘Build Landscape.’ Many are devices just dropped into the scene. Why does this happen and how do I fix it?

I’m trying to hunt down the cause of (only occasional) game-breaking lag on game start. Will these cause performance hits? I’ve found no straightforward way to clear the errors other than deleting the items and I can’t delete devices.

Device_CreatureSpawner_V2_C_UAID_FC3497A2821DA6DE01_1884007025 Static mesh actor has NULL StaticMesh property 
Device_Trigger_V2_C_UAID_FC3497A2821DC8DE01_1932338270 Static mesh actor has NULL StaticMesh property 
Device_ItemGranter_V2_C_UAID_FC3497A2821DEADE01_1466606781 Static mesh actor has NULL StaticMesh property 

The biggest issue for performance stutters at the moment is the Movement Speed Tunings setting in Island Settings, try the other option.

As for NULL StaticMesh, its been around since UEFN started,
All islands created with UEFN using stock fortnite props gets these warnings,
They do not effect the ability to publish islands.

When using Build Landscape, just ignore them, you can filter them out with the drop down menu on the bottom of the results window.

It’s because UEFN uses a later UE and the majority of Fortnite Props were created in an older UE,
I guess it’s easier to ignore the warnings, than to fix the ton of content

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Should Movement Speed Tunings be set to Current BR? This map is set to Ch 4 Movement.

Edit: Unfortunately, it didn’t help with the stutter. Tracking this down has proved difficult thus far, especially since after the first or second play it goes away completely.

The word on the street is to use Ch4 Movement & I think after last update it’s been set as the default.

Apparently Creature & Animal Spawners cause a bit of lag, hopefully this will get addressed soon.

Are you play testing via creative or launched session or from a private upload. If you haven’t done a private upload yet, it may be worth seeing if its less laggy.

Thanks for the input. We are playtesting via the creative sessions. It subjectively feels like the first couple of plays are taking a while to load / download, but I haven’t objectively quantified that. The rubber-banding is worse at the start of the game and after a few plays the lag goes completely away. I’ve ruled out all the obvious local possibilities - resources, network, etc.

The stuttering happens before any real game logic has started but increases dramatically as soon as the Creature Spawners enable and it quickly becomes unplayable.

I’ve also wondered if testing via the creative sessions might be a factor. We haven’t yet tried publishing a private island. A quick readthrough indicates that private islands "codes are not moderated versions’ so I assume we only need to go through the publishing workflow once the island is ready to go public and that we can use private islands to playtest unfinished games.

Yes only public versions have you jumping through hoops.

You can make as many private versions as you need, they are all listed in the creator portal, sorted by latest upload, and each has a unique island code.

There is only one Public Island Code for a project, but the latest active release will have its own unique private version code.

Private versions are also essential for testing the pregame phase, which launched sessions can’t do.

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