Hi, I’ve been working a mobile VR (Meta Quest 2) project for about 8 months now. I have recently acquired an HTC Vive (PC-VR) for the purpose of gaining experience with, and potentially releasing for, a different device. After getting everything up and going with the Vive and unreal, I realized something I wasn’t considering previously…how does one handle the large differences in capabilities between mobile VR and PC-VR? For instance, a typical configuration for a mobile VR project uses the forward renderer vice deferred. Post-processing is of course frowned upon. You have to be very meticulous with respect to draw calls, triangle counts, material performance, etc. Whereas, if out the gate you were targeting PC-VR solely, you could make use of some of the more advanced features of the engine in order to reach higher visual fidelity.
My gut feeling says you will have to manage two separate projects within unreal. One configured for mobile VR and the other for PC-VR. They can of course share gameplay related code but the handling of the maps, assets and other visuals (like lighting) will have to be completely separate. Does this line up with your experience?
Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.