This warning appears when starting Unreal Engine 4.25. What does it mean and how to get rid of it

This warning appears when starting Unreal Engine 4.25. What does it mean and how to get rid of it. - “The entry point to the DXGIGetDebugInterface1 procedure was not found in the DLL dxgi.dll”

Are you running custom / modified GPU drivers by any chance? nVidia card, right?

Nothing artisanal.Maybe my GPU is too old-NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760?

It’s an older GPU but it should be fine for basic work. Maybe you’re still on Windows 8?

I’d definitely install the most recent drivers if you have not done so already, ideally after cleaning the system with DDU.

I installed the newest driver, but the problem didn’t go away. My operating system is windows 7 PROFESSIONAL. Can it be a problem?

Technically Win 7 is officially supported by UE4 and should work OK-ish. I believe Microsoft stopped their support for this OS some time ago, though so that’s tough.

Regarding the warning, is it just an error in the log? It does not sound like something that would prevent you from working.

Apart from that, you should definitely consider ensuring that professional win 7 has the most recent update.

I got exactly the same issue on win7 64 home premium with all important updates,
My graphic card is NvidiaGeForce1060 3gb.
And cpu is intel cor i-5 6400

Hardware doesn’t matter its a source code change that broke Windows 7 support for some reason. As far as i know theres no way to fix it outside editing the source code its like 2 line changes. Im awaiting an official response from Epic games on this still as it broke Windows 7 support globally on our game

Anything new? @Dark583

there has been a fix submitted to Main, but no signs of it being integrated for 4.25 as of yet. 4.25.2 is though scheduled for end of july, lets hope they dont shift it to 4.26…4.25 would be a lost release for many of us then…
in the meantime, you can replace Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\NVIDIA\NVaftermath\Win64\GFSDK_Aftermath_Lib.x64.dll with the one from 4.24. that solved it for me and some others.

Thanks! The replacement really helped. At least it doesn’t annoy you with its awful beep anymore.:slight_smile:

Yeah I’m in the same boat, haven’t found any answers, I’m on Win 7 as well. Hopefully it will be resolved for 4.25.2

The only way to solve this at the moment is to compile the engine from source and implement the commits mentioned in this post by vipeout:
After that you also need to replace the said dll with the one from 4.24.