This might be a silly question, but are Unity Developers welcome here?

First time poster! I worked in Unreal back in the day, but years ago chose Unity (for better or worse) to make my project. I find the community here to be far more vibrant, as well as a lot more exciting networking opportunities and “Life” In this community.

Anyway! Enough brown nosing :rofl:

Are posts here from developers making games in Unity welcome? I would certainly be interested in posting my project on the Epic store if that’s possible.

I’ll keep it short and sweet for now, thanks for any input and good on you guys for taking so much effort to reach out to indies and give them so many outlets to engage with you guys!


Epic for Indies is completely engine agnostic. This section of the forums is for all things indie. Go Ham!



Great to hear! I’ll be poking around in the future.

It’s a VERY interesting time in gamedev and indie dev.

What’s so striking is how desolate these forums are (I’m not speaking to Unreal, I’m talking about Gamedev spaces across the board). All the devs have left and now conversation centers are full of the usual newcomers who are smarmy as heck and these communities have kinda degraded over the years.

This industry has never been in a greater state of flux from indies to Triple A, while simultaniously everyone is afraid and holding their tongues!

It’s like a darned twilight zone episode!

Anyway, this space is SUPER exciting, you guys have all the momentum with the court rulings on other platforms holding back your distribution platoform, and it seems every major studio that hemmoraged their key talent over the past several years are now coming to hook their IPs into your engine.

I’m almost worried you guys will become TOO succesful and turn into the same gatkeeping monsters that Google and Microsoft are.

Ok, that’s enough going “HAM” for now! Haha.

I’m trying ot be professional :rofl:

Would love to chat about this more if anyone wants to talk smack about this industry! (within reason of course)

I am always free to chat, here is my email if you have any questions.


I really appreciate that man.

I’m wrapping up my first big demo for my project and I will be reaching out within the next month or so. Keep an eye out on your email!

My game isn’t total dog sh*t I swear!

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