This is how I did Head Bob in Mobile Game (Starting as 3rd Person)


Just did a little research and this is how I did Head Bob for my mobile game.

  1. I created a Blueprint Actor - Class Camera Shake.

1.1) Right click in Content Browser, choose Blueprint Class, And under the search field, look for ‘CameraShake’.

1.2) Name it (I named mine My Camera Shake)


  1. Open Blueprint and change the following on the options on the right under Details.

  1. From here Add this in from your movement inputs. (I have right movement removed due to my controls) You may but in a branch to check if character is walking. If you want to have a walking character head bob, make a new camerashake BP and just reduce the numbers until you are happy they move slow enough.

I Hopes this helps someone.


Hey ! do you know how i can connect that it will only show me if iam in firstperson because I wan`t the head bobbing in third person.