THIS IS DRIVING ME CRAZY! Movie Render Queue just decides to render the wrong thing after 3 frames

So, let me preface this by saying I am not an Unreal Engine beginner. I’ve worked on feature-length films, trailers, and high-budget productions; so I am fairly comfortable with UE cinematics, the sequencer, and the Movie Render Queue.

However, this is the FIRST time this issue happens, and I cannot for the life of me figure it out.

Basically, I am rendering a behind-the-scenes preview of a motion capture animation, and the video is 164 frames long. Every single time I render, the MRQ renders 3 frames correctly, then proceeds to completely change the aspect ratio and framing on the shot, seemingly randomly. The camera is not even looking at the right place, so it’s not just a matter of getting cropped.

This is not constrained to a specific frame. If I render from Frame 1, it renders 1-3 correctly, then the issue happens on Frame 4. But if I start from Frame 4, it renders 4-6 correctly, then the issue starts at Frame 7 onwards. It is always 3 frames. I basically have to stop the render every 3 frames and start it again from where it reached.

Things to consider:

  1. The output aspect ratio is correct. (1920 x 1080)
  2. The camera lens settings are not animated and are correct, and its output resolution is constrained
  3. The sequencer does not indicate any changes to the framing and works properly

I’ve tried making a new render preset and applying it. I’ve tried deleting my camera and adding it from scratch. I’ve tried duplicating the level and rendering that. Nothing. Nothing is working. It makes no sense.

You can find screenshots of this issue at this link: Movie Render Queue Issues - Google Drive

Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you!

I’m on UE 5.4.3 btw.