This breaks the AI why?

This is just a character. And after 60 seconds or so it stops path solving.

BrokenAI.uasset (79.6 KB)

Why are you calling Move To and a Timeline every frame/on Tick? Are you trying to cause a nuclear meltdown? :thinking:

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You should, for the debug, add a print node with the value of ā€œmakeintā€ at the beginning of event tick to see the behavior

Iā€™m not thoughā€¦

I modified it some. I think what is happening is that unreal skips event tick sometimes and that causes the whole thing to fail.

edit: I think the AI task is just failing to execute entirely. It doesnā€™t even output a failure. It just does nothing. Is there a way to check if the AI task has a memory leak?

I think there is some kind of problem with the ai and the get random reachable point. It decides to put a reachable point inside of itself. And move to location doesnā€™t know what to do.

Weā€™re talking about the sphere, not the cube following it, right ? Can you try replacing your node move to location or actor, by a node AI move to, to see the behavior ?

Why is the acceptance radius set to -1 ? Can you change it for a positif int also please to see

-1 is the default value. I donā€™t remember where it is documented what -1 doesā€¦ (Iā€™ll admit it is a little strange that the default provides a negative distanceā€¦ How can you have a negative distance?)

Anyways I swapped it out with a ā€œai movetoā€ It doesnā€™t glitch out now. But still that is very strange. What is the different between ā€œAI movetoā€ and ā€œmove to actor or locationā€?

Hm strange. And if you remove this following cube, does the sphere ā€˜jumpā€™ like this any time ?

Are they 2 differents blueprint ?

Only changed that one thing.

with or without the cube the outcome is the same using the ā€œmove to actor or locationā€ node.

Ok. Can you add a node to print the destination from the random location, we will check the Z coordinate now

Iā€™m done tinkering with this. Iā€™m left with questions that I am probably never going to get answers to. Anyone that wants to mess with this stuff. I assume this file will work?.. I donā€™t know how to paste blueprints.
BrokenAI.uasset (121.2 KB)

I think it was just really messy logic to begin with. Especially the endless rabbit hole of using Tick instead of an calling an event when it needs to.

Played around with it a bit and made a Custom Event instead of using Tick as a heavy continuous logic check.

Also disabled collision + checked ā€œFill Collision underneath for Navmeshā€ on the Cube since it was making a gap in my Nav Mesh. Just in case.
NotSoBrokenAI.uasset (128.3 KB)