This Application could not be run FIX

I’m having an issue with my project that shows the application was incompatible with windows 11. First off delete the exe file that is outside the Engine and GAME folders, then go to ./GameName/Binaries/Win64, then find your application and make a shortcut to make it simpler to open your game.

There is also another way, you first need to package the game then go to ./Engine/Extras/Redist/language-region/UEPrereqSetup_x64.exe then execute it then restart your computer.

Hi Varomic,

I have the same issue with my UE4 application running on windows 11. I did the two suggestions you mentioned and it still dose not work.

The weird thing is that I can run the same exe on my own desktop with Win11, but it failed on the laptop. Do you have any clue to solve it?


What happens when you run the app? Does it give you a message box with the error?

No, there is no window or message pop up