Why doesnt my CastToThirdPersonGameMode connect to integer variables? I need to connect them. it just says that they cant join. However in the tutorial, its possible.
I am trying to get it
are you trying to get or set the integer?
i created the gamemode inside of the third person character blueprint
how do i create it in the game mode?
a game mode is its own blueprint type. if you havent created your own game mode then you will need to via add new->bluprint class->game mode base. then you will need to set that game mode as the one to be used by your game in the project settings. you can then open and create the variable in the game mode by double clicking it in the content browser. if your following a tutorial they probably would have mentioned these things. are you sure your doing it all right?
basically you cant connect a variable to a object that doesnt contain the variable.
Thanks, but where do i go in the project settings to add the new game mode?
its under maps and modes in 4.17 and probably hasnt changed in 4.19 like your using. though you can just go to the search bar at the top and search game mode and it will come up. you need to set the default game mode (that is as long as your using any override on a per level basis, youd know if you were)
I finally did it! Thank you!
is the variable located in the thirdpersonGameMode? is so it may have just gotten confused and you will just need to drag off of the as thirdPersonGameMOde and search for the variable again. if the variable is not in the game mode then you need to create it