
Howdy, I have a few problems, and I think they are somewhat related.

I stared with a blank project. and added all my actor objects to create the scene, then I added a third person character, but it had no controls, so I added the third person FEATURE, which added the character, along with the controls already setup.

When I play the level, I now have two third person characters. The one I originally placed in the level, and PLAY produces the playable at runtime, but discards it when I stop.

Further more, and why this is Blueprint section, ActionBeginOverlap, doesn’t seem to work with the runtime version of the Third Person Character.

So… I either need to find map the controls to the character I originally added, or delete that one and map the runtime character to the Begin Overlap events.

Neither of which I have figured out how to do.

What say you?


If you want to start controlling the character you added instead of a new copy of it, just select it in your scene and in the details panel, look for the auto-posses feature and set it to player 0.


That fixed one problem, but for some reason, I don’t seem to get any collision detected, when I run into my object.


I fixed the problem. For some reason, I had to use HIT instead of Overlap.


oh, i’m glad you fixed it!

To be able to use overlap events, you have to check the option to generate overlap events in the collision options of your capsule collider, aswell as changing the preset to some that instead of blocking, just overlap it (not recommended for a playable character imo).