ThirdParty from Engine\Plugins folder

​Hi! Please help me :frowning: Can anyone tell me?

Epic Games\UE_5.1\Engine\Plugins\Runtime\OpenCV\Source\ThirdParty\OpenCV\include\opencv2

I have been trying to release an update for several days and I am constantly being sent messages that libraries have not been found.
I use libraries that are accessible from the Third Party folder in the engine itself and would not like to add them to the plugin folder, because they are available in the engine itself.

On my side, I checked if all the necessary plugins from Epic Games are connected, namely OpenCV and OpenCVHelper.

And as you can see, I take all the libraries from the engine folder.

What should I do to get the update accepted?

Judging by the message from the documentation, the engine contains libraries of third-party plugins that can be accessed.

The Unreal Engine (UE) source code includes several third-party libraries, which are stored under UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/ThirdParty/… This is a convention for engine modules, and not required. When developing plugins that use third-party libraries, it is more convenient to include the third-party software within the plugin directory.

On my side, the code is always compiled
Last message error from marketplace

Does your Camera360v2.uplugin file list the “OpenCV” in its list of plugin dependencies? It is possible that things work locally but not when installed to a fresh UE5 editor install, if you don’t have something like this in your .uplugin file:

"Plugins": [
		"Name": "OpenCV",
		"Enabled": true

I admit, if that were the problem, I would expect you to be seeing a warning like this when you compile your project:

1>UnrealBuildTool : warning : Warning: Plugin ‘Camera360v2’ does not list plugin ‘OpenCV’ as a dependency, but module ‘Camera360v2’ depends on ‘OpenCV’.

Hi, Josh!
Thanks for your reply…
I sometimes activate in Camera360v2.uplugin for work, including OpenCV.

Here is almost the same example of setting up work with OpenCV, only I’m adding a module

I try added to depedency modules and send again to marketplace

I’m might be getting beyond my experience here… but I’m looking at OpenCV.Build.cs, OpenCVHelper.Build.cs, and OpenCV.uplugin. OpenCV.uplugin lists “Mac” as an allowed platform, however, OpenCV.Build.cs only adds IncPath to the engine include paths for Win64 and Linux. Without that I would not expect it to find the hpp file. Is it possible that OpenCV doesn’t actually support Mac?

I think you’re right, it’s possible. After all, I compile under Win64, and in the allowed platforms I also specify Mac.
Thank you for your help!

I can close this topic, I was able to implement the necessary functionality using the built-in Python and Unreal Engine tools :smiley:

As it turned out, it’s pretty simple, without unnecessary libraries.


In continuation of the topic, I received a response from the Support Marketplace.

In regards to the error your issue, Plugins cannot have dependencies on other plugins. You would have to get the library from OpenCV and include it inside of your third party folder. Please keep in mind, that you will have to declare all included Third Party assets on your Product Page.

Now everything is much clearer =)

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We haven’t published yet to the Marketplace, so this is very good to know!