Third Person Shooter Kit - Cover system, Human AI, Paragon characters, QTE & new stuff is coming!

I guess what I’m asking is how to save multiple traps in the Level bp?

You can do multiple times what I’ve instructed in tutorial.

so I got new problem , I copied and pasted 5 complete setups from the trap save tutorial. one for each of my traps,except each one referencing the next trap… so in the save portion progress struct node , if all of the traps are selected in the settings toolbar , and deselected in the node (like normal setup), if I then play and save 1 trap , quit and reload , then all the rest of the traps are deactivated automatically. so I tried deselecting all the traps in the toolbar except the one currently referenced,(left it deselected on struct node), did this for each trap. but then if I disable trap 1 say, and save its good, but if I disable trap 2 ,then trap 2 is saved as disabled but trap 1 is active again behind it. so I tried deselecting 1st trap on first node set , 1st and 2nd trap on 2nd node set , 1st , 2nd and 3rd trap on third node set , etc…but if I go in the level and disable just trap 3 , the trap 1 and 2 are automatically disabled. so basically , with multiple traps in the progress struct node selected, if you disable 1 trap , all the others that are selected get automatically disabled too. multitraps deactivated.jpg

1st pic is what each struct node looks like. when all the traps are selected on the right in tool bar , then if I disable any of the traps , then they all get saved as deactivated automatically . 2nd pic would be first trap struct node and 3rd pic would be the next struct node , if I do it that way , first trap saves good , but when I save the second one , then the first one becomes active again.

what I don’t understand is if I make each struct node for one trap apiece, why it reactivates the other trap/s.its like it takes the latest struct node and whatever it is set to , it goes by those if there were only 2 traps and the pic just above was the struct node setting for the second trap, it will save only the second trap as disabled. even if the first trap was already disabled , once the second one is disabled and it saves , the first trap will be reactivated again. just like if all the traps are selected in the struct node(like in the first picture ), and I disable only trap 5 , all the other traps will be disabled as could try to put 3 traps on your test level and add em to the struct ,and go in and disable trap number three and save and reload and see if all the traps are disabled.

I think the problem could be in your level blueprint script. I can’t see exacly because picture is too small.

I’m confused a bit anyway… can you look at this live from Epic training
They cover a lot about saving and loading game, also structs.

basically I just took your whole tutorial setup and copied it 5 times , one for each trap, and tied it together to the event begin play with another sequence.

pic above is just the first 2 sets. for first trap and second trap.cant figure it out.

I think it happens because you change every parameter in struct to false. Try to select struct and hide all not used pins. I’ve done it here

I tried that already, I got it set that way now. there’s a save progress struct node in each setup ( 5 traps) . in 1st trap struct all pins are hidden except 1st trap pin , in 2nd trap setup struct all pins are hidden except 2nd trap pin, in 3rd trap setup struct all pins are hidden except 3rd trap pin. same for 4th and 5th. start play , print string says all traps are active, go and disable trap 2 for example , print string says trap disabled saving game. stop level , start again and disable 1st trap and quit again.trap 1 is disabled but now on restart trap 2 is active again when it was just saved as inactive on first start. if I start again and go back and disable trap 2 again , now on restart trap 1 is active again.trap 1 and 2 are just examples , it could be with any traps. With 5 copies of the whole setup , Its like it takes whatever trap you last disable and uses the settings from the nodes related to that trap.theres got to be something im missing .

man I tried everything I could think of, tried bool variables , arrays , all kinds of things,still no work, doesn’t make sense.-----------Can you try it on your test level if you get a little time so I know if I got something wrong or not ? maybe put 2 traps , have 2 node setups from video tutorial in level blueprint (1 for each trap). disable trap 2 , quit level , restart level , disable trap 1 , restart level , see if trap 2 is active again. that is , if only just each traps pin is not hidden . if both traps pins are not hidden and trap 2 is disabled , on restart then both traps are disabled.

What might happen is that saving is done for every value in stuct, even if it’s hidden. Try somerhing like this - loading before saving, and passing all values which you don’t want to change.
Link to screen shot:


yep , that did it , works great now. thanks again for your help. wish I knew as much as you about the engine. i’m learning though.

i noticed on human AI several references to swimming. is there swimming animation for AI? is there swimming animation for TPP player character?

No. These references are coming from the engine.

with the notification trigger bp , is there a way we can expand the text box size? I noticed if I use more text then it appears outside the dark text display the text goes straight across, any way to paragraph it? I’m trying to fit more text on the screen on a notification trigger.I tried “multiline” in settings , which it then looks correct ,like paragraphed in the text box , but still is straight across on the screen, and the outlined display box is still short in the center and only encompasses a little of the text.(Update: I got the notification trigger text thing worked out now, tricky working with the HUD widget). thanks --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------also , is it ok to use both player cover point and AI cover point on the same walls , blocks , etc… together. I mean if they overlap?-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------also noticed I get these errors in the log , i know there is one mapping for positive and one for negative, though i noticed if i delete one of them (say the negative for mouse axis lookup ) , mouse still works fine and normal.

LogInput: Error: Duplicate mapping of key MouseY for axis LookUpMouse
LogInput: Error: Duplicate mapping of key Gamepad_RightX for axis Turn Right/Left
LogInput: Error: Duplicate mapping of key Gamepad_RightY for axis LookUpGamepad
LogInput: Error: Duplicate mapping of key Gamepad_LeftY for axis Ladder Move Up

It is ok to use both covers at the same place. AI can see their covers and player can his own covers.
These errors don’t do anything. It’s because same keys are used in various BP so I made them seperate so they will do what they say.
For example - “Ladder Move Up” is on W key but W key is also responsible for moving forward, but you can’t climbing ladder and move forward at the same time. If it bothers you, you can just change the events and error should go away.

is there a way to set the human AI to actually chase the player? so say if they were not using weapons , they would chase the player and use melee attacks on him? ,update ------ actually I guess with "keeping distance " settings , if I set everything to 0 except " move forward " , he pretty much does it. I put all his ammo to zero and make no noise and he will always just chase me around. only thing is i’m left with the weapon in hand animations.

You can also try my zombie AI tutorial

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